Charm, beauty, intellect; are you insecure?
Different faces…, everywhere you look everywhere you go, famous men and women. Then you keep from wishing and hoping that you’re like them. Thoughts and questions linger on your mind. Why I am me? Why can’t I be like him/ her? Why should I continue this life that I didn’t choose?
Shame on yourself is always what you feel. Everywhere you go you feel that all eyes are focused on you, criticizing. That’s why you’re always conscious of what you look, what they think about your dress, and everything about you. You sense that they are digging what lies beneath that face of yours.
Perhaps it is true that people don’t have any satisfaction. Perhaps they sometimes feel contended but still they are not complete. When they see a thing that they don’t have, they’ll do anything to obtain that even it’s not for them for they don’t like being left behind. Nobody wants to be left behind.
Well, that’s the dumb world of insecurity. And it is a contagious disease. When could we escape that? What is its cure? That I don’t know. But one thing I know, there is no other person that you can find except yourself, simple but unique. Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe; a moment that will never be again. In all the years that have passed, there was never been another person like me and you.
Beyond doubt, each and every one of us is a marvel. Unique!!!