The Tale of the Missing River
            Once upon a time there was a little village lying at the side of a small river. The water of this river was as clear as a crystal that sunshine reached even its deepest part. During a certain time of the year, tiny, red, floating algae appear at the river making its water half colored with red.
            Many believed that these algae came from the blood of a Demi-god named Datu Mulong. When his love, Rhaliyana, a beautiful and gentle princess was kidnapped by a brutal and wicked sorcerer named Sultan Abdul Hakul, Prince Mulong rescued the princess. And he killed the evil sorcerer, but in the expense of his own life. Because they both love each other, Princess Rhaliyana cried at the death of her beloved. Some say that her bitter tears became the river.
            And in behalf of the legend, the algae benefited most of the village people. Out of it they make dyes and food colors. It is used in pet foods, cosmetics, and in medicine. From this algae, is produced the industrial gum called the “red gum of Mulong”, used as a food thickener and stabilizers in cheese spreads and fruit drinks. From these algae, a certain substance is produce to make the most popular delicacies of the town, the “Munchy Yummy Cake” and the “Swirly Honey Jelly”. These red algae that appear twice a year have many purposes. That’s what the cause of the prosperity of the village and was known in the neighboring village because of these algae. That’s why the river, which is the backbone of the village, is called the “Red river” and the little village was known as the Town of the Red River.
            The river is not only a source of the red algae. Certain amounts of aurum, argentums, and other minerals can be found on it.  Moreover, it’s the source of the town folk’s drinking water, the source of their water used for laundry and irrigation for their crops, and many more. It is here where they get fishes, shrimps, and other food. It is where their children and grand children plays, take a bath, and where their sweet memories of childhood resides.
            Daniel was one of the many village children who owed tons of memories to the River. It was here where they played the most, catching tadpoles, dragonflies, and fishes. It was here where they float toy boats made of water lily leaves.
            Daniel gazed upon a barren and scorched riverbed. The River where he and his friends played was now a dried out creek. During this time of the year, the Red Alga would appear covering most of the water. Nevertheless, the Red river had lost not only its alga but its water as well. Almost a year had passed when its water level drops and a month or two before it completely dried out. Yet, the town folks were slightly bothered by the River’s condition because drought is ravaging throughout the land not only to their town but also to the neighboring villages. Even so their livelihood is heavily affected by the absence of the algae, they have found alternate source of income through their slashed-and burn agriculture, massive logging, mining, and charcoal-making which are already flourishing for quite a while now.  
            Four months and a week had passed and still no sign of the water of the Red River. At last, the people are finally troubled. The village chief, Kapitan Manuel, called for a village assembly. In a voice full of authority he begins, “It’s been months now since the Red river dried out. Our well-known town is losing its charm. What shall we do if it continues?” There was no response from the crowd.  Again Kapitan Manuel said, “Daniel, of all the people here, why do you think this is happening?” Daniel, of all the people in the village was a scholar and an educated man. He studied Biology and Natural Sciences, graduated in a degree in Geodetic and Geo-earth Sciences and Aqua-marine Resources. In addition, he is a Quantum Physicist well-known for his studies in the so-called “spooky-connections” and anti-matter and also a chemist. He was a product of famous universities in York New City, the center of knowledge during the time. “Honestly Kapitan, I have no idea yet, and I hope it is not what I’m thinking”, Daniel replied.  Then out of the crowd a voice interrupted the discussion. Popoy, one of Daniel”s colleague and friend have thought that the river was clogged up and thus stopped the flow of water. “I suggest we make a trip to the river’s source to find out what really happened”, Popoy added. Egay, another friend added that maybe the drought was the cause of the incident.  So he suggested that they should dig the water reserves in the Cave of the Blue Rock. This cave is the source of the Red river where a massive blue rock could be found, believed to be the one producing the water of the red river. “After we dug-up the reserve, we could only hope for the rain to come to end the drought”, Egay added. But before Egay could finished, Elder Tikoy one of the village elders told everyone about the Legend of the One Hundred Candles. According to this legend, if one would offer a hundred candles all lighted up to the Goddess of the Moon, then it could make wishes come true. The villagers nodded believing that these are only caused by spirits. Also they planned for a festivity, offerings and some sort of rituals to pleased those spirits. So that is how the meeting went.
            As for Daniel, Popoy,and Egay; to continue the trek upstream would be better than those old superstitions. Early in the morning of the next day, they left. Kapitan Manuel, Claring his daughter also a childhood friend of Daniel, and Mang Ramon the sheriff joined them.  For hours, they tracked the dried river bed. As they are walking the dead river, Daniel remembered his childhood days were there was the crystal-clear water, the red algae, Dr. Uliman the turtle which they found lying upside down. They help it get back in the water but found lying overturned again.
            At last they reached the Cave of the Blue Rock. It’s his fourth time since he visited this place but it seems that it’s a new cave that they entered. This is not the Cave of Blue Rock that they had once recognized. There was no water. The once magnificent cave walls with its majestic stalactite and stalagmite full of glittering ores and very white seem to vanished and replaced by old muddy and dirty cave walls. The marvelous Blue rock, a spheroid 10 meters in diameter of which half is buried beneath the lagoon surrounding it is now what they saw is a little muddy lagoon and a lichen full and dirty rock. Daniel with Claring surveyed the surrounding. After they looked inside and the surroundings of the cave Daniel made a remarked. “Let’s go home. It’s useless digging through the cave. We killed already the River”, Daniel said. Everyone was shocked. For years now, the people continuously destroyed the forests around the River. They recklessly cut the trees for boats, houses, for wood, charcoal and to fuel their desire for money. The forests are the River’s watershed. Also, deforestation caused sedimentation and siltation of the river. Even the people lighted up neither a hundred nor a thousand candles; the Red River is already dead.
            A year have passed, and a couple or three. The prosperous and famous Town of the Red River is starting to die in the absence of the Red River. The Local Government also created an order to relocate the village because of the danger of flash foods and erosions. Because of this the villagers started to move out and finally the village became deserted. Another year had passed and kugon grass and other wild plants started to colonize the village. Finally, the once joyful village was engulfed by the jungle.
And even though the forest starts growing a new, the missing river is still missing and the Town of the Red River totally vanished from its site. Many years would have to pass until nature herself rebuilds what was destroyed by man in an instance. For in the simple unfolding of a bud, nature needs many years to make such a beautiful sight to behold. Until nature rebuilds herself, maybe the Red River would flow again…..

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